Thursday, July 9, 2015

Catching a glimpse of Heaven

“If you read history, you will find that the Christians who did most for the present world were just those who thought most of the next.” 
― Randy AlcornHeaven

I read a book a few years ago by Randy Alcorn called 'Heaven'. I honestly can't say how much his book helped me SEE and be excited about what awaits us in Heaven. I have mentioned before that having a child in Heaven made me all the more thirsty to know everything I can about it. 

I always thought of Heaven as, I don't know....boring? I mean, I knew I wanted to be there to be with Jesus but I just could not picture it. That is where this book came in, it gave me new perspective based on scripture, we need to know what awaits us so we can be excited and prepared! Who goes to Disney not prepared, after all its the greatest place on Earth right? How much more should we prepare for Heaven?

I rarely ever dream about Jackson, I have dreamed maybe 5 times since he left this Earth and I remember them vividly. But it's been at least a year since my last dream.
 A few weeks ago I found myself alone outside (that never happens) I was lying on the Trampoline just soaking up the sun and the quiet for the moment. I was just talking to God and thanking him for the warmth of the sun and I started wondering what Jackson was doing that moment in Heaven. I got the most beautiful vision of Jackson and Amy (my sister who is also in Heaven). They were very VERY high on a cliff of sorts laughing with several others. I could hear music, but it was not harps, they were jamming! Below them was a body of water so clear that I could see everything in it, every fish, every color. It was more clear than any water I could have ever seen. Then he took off running and jumped head first into the water from that cliff with my sister clapping and laughing while he swam to the bank where a big fat yellow dog was waiting for him and wagging his tail. 
I know it was probably my imagination, but what if it was a little gift from God to say "He is having a blast waiting for you !". That was a more beautiful vision than any dream I have ever had unconsciously, it was perfection. They were beautiful and joyful and having a blast ! 

I have not thought of Heaven as "boring" since I read Randy's book, but I had never had my own revelation of how awesome it will be until I got that little vision. Think about it for a moment, the same God that gave us that craving for adrenaline also created Heaven. Why would He make it boring for us? That feeling you get when you are on space mountain, our God gave an engineer the idea for that ride. Our God gave us the craving for excitement, please don't doubt that He would prepare for us a dull place. Its going to be awesome, beyond what we can comprehend because we are human and full of doubt and limits. Heaven won't hold these boundaries and we just may be able to cliff dive into water so clear we can't fathom it. We may be able to hitch a ride on a dinosaur, why not? My God knows no limits, don't put him in a box. Ask Him to show you and you may be amazed. 

If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world. ~C. S. Lewis

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